Account and limit settings

Repository size limit [STARTER]

Introduced in GitLab Enterprise Edition 8.12.

Repositories within your GitLab instance can grow quickly, especially if you are using LFS. Their size can grow exponentially and eat up your storage device quite fast.

In order to avoid this from happening, you can set a hard limit for your repositories' size. This limit can be set globally, per group, or per project, with per project limits taking the highest priority.

There are numerous cases where you'll need to set up a limit for repository size. For instance, consider the following workflow:

  1. Your team develops apps which demand large files to be stored in the application repository.
  2. Although you have enabled Git LFS to your project, your storage has grown significantly.
  3. Before you blow your storage limit up, you set up a limit of 10 GB per repository.

How it works

Only a GitLab administrator can set those limits. Setting the limit to 0 means there are no restrictions.

These settings can be found within:

  • Each project's settings.
  • A group's settings.
  • The Size limit per repository (MB) field in the Account and limit section of a GitLab instance's settings by navigating to either:
    • Admin Area > Settings > General.
    • The path /admin/application_settings.

The very first push of a new project cannot be checked for size as of now, so the first push will allow you to upload more than the limit dictates, but every subsequent push will be denied. LFS objects, however, can be checked on first push and will be rejected if the sum of their sizes exceeds the maximum allowed repository size.

For more manually purging the files, read the docs on reducing the repository size using Git.

Note: For, the repository size limit is 10 GB.